"I am not gentle, only a little heroic."

"I am not gentle, only a little heroic."

After I have the ability to treat myself well, what I want more is a kind of palpitating heart that doesn't count the good or the bad.

being pursued

to be honest, I don't enjoy being chased. Instead, I prefer the kind of person I can't help but want to get close to from the bottom of my heart. Wow, you are so attracted to me, it is very important to attract this matter. It has nothing to do with how much you like me, even if you don't like me. Quietly approaching like I have been shaking the flag in my heart, shouting hundreds of times, did you see it? did you see it? If I don't see it, I'll raise my hand a little higher.

I have grown up and am no longer the little girl who is at a loss with candy. The words "be nice to me" may move me, but they are not enough to move me. after I can be good to myself, what I want more is a palpitating heart that doesn't count the good or the bad. so I always encourage the girls around me not to give up the initiative of liking one person to each other. Whether it's a secret love or a hint, it's okay to take the initiative to pursue it. You know, the pleasure of paying for the person you like is incomparable to passive acceptance. This is not a great selfless dedication. I care more about whether I have a good time than whether the other person has the same enjoyment or not.

half push is not as good as dry firewood, right?

I have never wondered why so many girls always feel that chasing boys will degrade their value, or that if the person who takes the initiative is themselves, then the boys will not cherish what is too easy to get.

I never like to materialize our appearance with the word "price". Even if there is, then the price does not seem to make much sense in a situation where there is a price but no market. the disadvantage of not taking the initiative is that you can only wait for the person who likes you to reach out to you, and then consider whether to accept it or not. This order makes people very passive. What you have to do is the choice after measurement and the correct score of multiple-choice questions. Compared with the big questions on the opposite side of the paper, you can't even score a step. In the same way, the joy of coming and going is very different from the joy of dancing.

and even if your secret crush implies that the initiative fails, he just doesn't like you, so what? you have a close fight with the person you like, while the other person has a relationship with someone you don't like. Who do you think makes more money?!? At least no matter how the account is calculated, there is nothing to lose.

embarrassment  rejection

you said it was awkward to be rejected. I said embarrassment is not such a big problem compared to other difficult problems in life. You say this how humiliating ah, I said silly girl, people are willing to like things to pay no return of energy, is a kind of all kinds of bravery. Isn't it all sung in the song "I am not gentle, but this is the only heroic thing". You also said that I am really sad ah, I said dear, even people who are in love will have moments of sadness to repentance, how people will face the time that is difficult to spend, without these, that is those.

as for whether or not to take the initiative, boys will not cherish it so much. You like a person, and you generally have a feeling about the person's temperament and state of mind. I think as long as they are not particularly stupid, they are not likely to blame it for serving too fast when this food is particularly delicious. Yeah, I'm so delicious, and you're so funny. When we got together, who had time to think about the question of who was the first to see who was in love with this kind of primary school student in the first place. I wish I had taken a fancy to you first. Look how discerning I am. The only person I want to hold by the vast sea of people is you.

moreover, the person who looks at first also has the advantage of taking the initiative into his own hands. You seem to be attracted by something. If you are not close, you will not even see what attracts you. In the process of breaking into each other's life little by little, you will naturally change from passers-by who may not be related to each other to people who have at least a little interactive relationship. This change will allow you to discover more different things.

when I look at him

when I look at him, it's just like reading a storybook. This sentence is so lovely, that sentence is a little sad, this is very interesting, and that is a bit of a language bug. Or maybe the cover of the book, the title is very attractive, but open it and find that it is an empty shell that is irrelevant to the topic. If you are the active party, you can find these faster. There is no one-shot business these days. Read and find that the book is not good-looking, it is not impossible to close the book and leave.

I don't think stupid people are really stupid. Sometimes you look a little cuter when you do something stupid for love without knowing it. I don't want to look out of the window and applaud what others have shot down. I want all my rivers and mountains to be shot down by myself, and I am willing to open up some unusual possibilities for life by myself.

this sounds more in line with the heroism that should be in love.

although we can't shuffle our lives all over again, I know that we always have the right to choose how long to sit at the table.

isn't it a duty to grow up to be able to enjoy the happiness of taking its consequences? I take it for granted that I have to pay for the things that make me happy. closer to you, I am very happy, so worried about gain and loss, melancholy and anxiety is also a way for me to enjoy you. even if there are occasional complaints, there is nothing to be wronged. I don't even have time to be happy.

Make a stunning entrance into incredible deals of hippie wedding dress. The collection is in different beautiful materials.

what is he writing today: "this world, I have been here, I have fought, I have loved deeply, and I have no regrets." that's the way it is. When I come to you, I have more courage than I used to be.

I'm happy, you can help yourself.

that's all.