Serial | "long Night fluorescent Lamp" 6

On the night of the third day of the Lunar New year, she was bored. After lying in bed for a long time, she felt that her bones were loose and her head was heavy, so she thought she might as well go out for a stroll.

After that reunited New year's Eve dinner, Fu Lingqing and Zhong Ligao began to be busy with all kinds of entertainment and dinner again. 

Zhong Yuanzhong spent most of his time in his room, doing nothing, and the day passed in a blink of an eye. 

On the night of the third day of the Lunar New year, she was bored. After lying in bed for a long time, she felt that her bones were loose and her head was heavy, so she thought she might as well go out for a stroll. 

Where are you going? 

What are you going to do? 

Zhong Yuanzhan calculated the date, and it is only these few days that he needs to prepare some sanitary napkins. 

She sat up slowly, put on a sweater, coat, and scarf, wrapped herself into a piece of cabbage, and went downstairs. 

Begin to showcase your unique figure and charm in our formal knee length dresses for juniors . Our collections are versatile enough to suit any figure.

There was a floor lamp in the living room, and no one was there. 

There is a supermarket nearby. It takes about ten minutes to walk there. 

Thick clouds cover the moon, the wind with wild efforts to roll up the dust on the ground, the smell of the soil to the nostrils, the branches and leaves dancing. 

It felt like it was going to rain. Zhong Yuanqin turned on his cell phone and popped up a weather forecast message a minute ago. 

The cold air is moving south and it is expected to rain in Nanjing in the next two hours. 

The news didn't come in time. She was halfway out and didn't bother to go back for her umbrella, so she had to quicken her pace. 

Five minutes later, Zhong Yuanzhong arrived at the supermarket, and all the surrounding restaurants were closed for the holidays. Fortunately, the supermarket was also open for the Spring Festival. 

She went in, went straight to the women's section, found her usual brand, took two bags, and went to the cashier to check out. 

When Zhong Yuanzhong walked to the door of the supermarket, he saw Rain Water passing through the night like a silver needle. 

She is fast enough, but it rains fast enough. 

The rain was so small that Zhong Yuanzhan didn't even think about it and went straight home. 

The flowers and trees in Nanqing are evergreens all year-round, and they are dotted with green in winter. As she walked, she hid under the tree umbrella. 

Even if the rain was not so heavy, when she got home, she was wet, cold, and wet, and made her bones chill. 

Zhong Yuanzhong opened the door and noticed a man on the sofa as he passed the living room. 

When Fu Ember heard the noise, he moved his eyes and saw that there were drops of water in her hair, her clothes were deep and shallow, and her fingers were red with cold. 

Zhong Yuanzhong wiped the water from his face and looked up at the embers. He frowned and looked very upset. 

She was a little baffled, so she glanced at him. There was nothing wrong with her, and she couldn't take a look at it. 

In addition, now that she wants to change clothes quickly and take a hot bath, she no longer interacts with him, so she has to walk upstairs through the living room. 

"No one at home?" 

Fu Ember said suddenly. 

When he said so, Zhong Yuanzhong had to stop and say, "good evening, then I'll say 'good night' to you in advance." 

His expression had reined in and looked harmless as if the frown was just her delusion. 

"I mean, why don't you call someone to send an umbrella?" 

His voice was low, especially clear with the faint sound of rain. 

"it's only two steps, and there's not much rain." 

Zhong Yuanzhong said as he walked upstairs, "and it's Chinese New year. Uncle Zhang and Li go home at eight o'clock in the evening." 

The implication is that no one sends umbrellas. 

She has subconsciously ruled out another possibility. 

Fu Ember stood alone in the living room, with his back to the pale yellow light of the floor lamp, with a dark expression. 

Zhong Yuanzhong returned to his room, changed his clothes, and went to take a bath. 

When the frozen red fingers come into contact with hot water, there is a sudden flow of blood in the blood vessels and the feeling that the fingertips are swollen. 

The heat in the bathroom was hazy, and Zhong Yuanzhong suddenly thought of Fu Ember. He became different. 

She couldn't tell where the exact change was at 01:30. 

But what's so strange about this? seven years later, everyone will change more or less, and so will she. 

Zhong Yuanqin let it go and sat by the bed wiping his hair after taking a bath. 

Feeling a little stuffy nose and a faint impulse to sneeze, she seemed to have caught a chill. She blew her hair dry, picked up the cup, and went downstairs to get some hot water in the kitchen. 

There was no one in the living room. She went into the kitchen and found a glass of ginger water, full of ginger, with a touch of sweetness. 

Ginger syrup is better to ward off the cold, but she doesn't want to make too much trouble at night, so she is ready to drink a cup of hot water and go back to bed. 

Zhong Yuanzhong hesitated for a moment, then picked up the glass of ginger water and took a sip. 

The spicy ginger came into the mouth with sweetness, warming all the bones of the limbs. 

-- to be continued